So it's been a while, I've been busy. Every so often my stomach gets a little upset but it passes. Beginning in early November I had another round, and I thought it was great to lose a little weight, but this time it didn't go away for more than two weeks. After it got to the point of not being able to hold anything I ate, I decided I should go to the hospital (yes I probably should have gone earlier). So the doctor says I can be admitted to the hospital now for five days, or wait two days until my test results came back and probably have to be admitted for five days after that. I knew my friends were coming to visit in a week and I wanted to get better before they got here. Plus my great American friend was cooking a Thanksgiving feast and I had been looking forward to her amazing cooking. So I decided to get admitted to the hospital then and there. I mean I didn't want to eat or even drink water because it was so painful. Turns out I had E. coli and I had Dengue fever (pretty much worse than malaria). Since I have health insurance under VSO, I got the clear to stay in the swanky private room. However when I came to be admitted, the private room was unavailable so I started out in the ward. It really wasn't fun. I guess seeing a foreign girl in a hospital is new to most Indians so I had about 30 pairs of eyes on me the whole time I was there. Plus there were no fans or A/C. Plus you're just in the hospital. So I made a few calls to my allies (you need to have allies in India who can throw some weight around) and they came to my rescue. They brought me food, visited with me for a few hours, and made sure I got my private room. I am so grateful because I had a TV, ensuite bathroom, and A/C! The hospital I was in didn't have a cafeteria, plus most hospital food isn't know for being great. So this is the best. My friends brought every meal for me and visited me. One friend brought me a goody basket made out of a Corn Flakes box with many issues of OK! magazine, plus tons of food goodies. After five days of sleepless nights and a constant IV (turns out it might take my hands up to one month to heal because of the IVs and my Dengue), I was released. My friend insisted I stay with her for the two nights before I had to meet my friends to rest up for my trip. I mean the hospital part sucked, but man I am totally blown away by the generosity and kindness of my friends. I haven't been here very long, and they know I am not going to stay much longer but they cooked gourmet meals for me, brought meals to the hospital, and stayed to keep my company while I was cranky and incoherent. I'll admit that I had become pretty jaded at my circumstances and with people, but I am just so touched by these friends, they have really restored my faith in people and the love that's out there. I can never fully express my gratitude for their kindness, company, and support through a difficult time away from home.
Apple pie, pumpkin pie, and pumpkin cake for Thanksgiving dessert!
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